E-Shop for New York’s Longest Running Toy Store

Blends contemporary design with an old-fashioned touch. The web-shop has a clear system structure that allows customers to easily find what they are looking for. Photography showcases their unique and classic toy collection, while an intuitive navigation allows for easy browsing and purchasing. Merchandise is easily searchable through specialized categorization and keyword. All of the information and specs are minimalist and easy to read; the color, typography, and design is heartening, wistful, and indulgent.

Play Prototype Demo

The Full Case Study

Independent Project

Over a three-week sprint, I analyzed the existing e-commerce website, conducted usability tests, researched the business’s history & the online competitive toy store market, completed a card sort & tree-jack test, re-designed the e-shop, conducted usability tests on the new site, and finalized the prototype.

Located on the Upper East Side, the shop has been open since 1931. After FAO Schwarz shut its doors in 2015, Mary Arnold became the oldest continuously operating toy store in the United States. The brick & mortar Mary Arnold Toys shop encapsulates charm and enchantment; however, if they wish to compete with the online toy market, the website must be updated and systematized because, in its current state, the website is not easy to use.

Heuristic Violations

The website is overwhelming and antiquated. Aside from obvious design flaws, poor categorization and keyword search is the most prominent issue; there are also inconsistencies and hefty amounts irrelevant information.

Market Research

Melissa & Doug

Most toy retailers carry Melissa & Doug products; so, the company is primarily focused on wholesale, they also have a pretty high-functioning website. The layout is ordinary, but the categorization and seasonal revision is effective.


My Sweet Muffin

My Sweet Muffin could benefit from a slight aesthetic update; but the layout, functionality, and consistency is attractive. The site has an identified personality—which directly signifies the target audience.



Oompa could also use a slight facelift, but their site is charming. The photographic content, categorization and storytelling is very effective. It makes shopping for toys feel like a festive experience.

Competitive Analysis

Mary Arnold Toys primarily lacks on aesthetics, expected standards, and categorical consideration. While it still has many of the same key features, its outdated aesthetics and misguided categorization flounder in comparison.

Usability Tests

● All users were unable to find specific products, or it took them an exorbitant amount of time

● Every user said they were frustrated, would have abandoned their mission much earlier had they been shopping on their own, and would likely not purchase anything or ever return to the current website

Shopper Stories

Shopper Journey

Milly starts off the experience excited to buy the gift; and immediately falls into waves of disappointment with the failed category searches. She then feels even more let down with the keyword search. She is frustrated on her journey and considers giving up as she unproductively searches through mis-categorized items and flawed keyword searches. Finally, she feels relieved but agitated when she finds the right product. She gives the experience one star, considers not purchasing anything, and decides she will not be returning to the site.

Card Sort

Streamlined categorization was a major challenge for this project. The first card sort was for an extensive list of 80 items to categorize. The goal was to reduce primary categories and keep everything to a secondary menu.

Tree Jack

I did more secondary research to better understand how other online toy stores categorize their products, and created a second site map. After the tree jack tests were completed, I tweaked the categorization one final time.

Information Architecture

I limited the number of categories to make global navigation digestible to users while still allowing for easy find-ability and recommendation. During secondary research, I found that many toy retailers compile miscellaneous products into “& More” sections—I wanted to avoid that if I could.

Sketch by Hand


This step assures a sustainable and methodical prototyping practice. Wireframing in mid-fidelity ensures organization, flow, typography, and harmonic gridded design styles are thoroughly established.


● Notice the website is regularly updated for the season

● View the suggested best sellers for the different age groups she continues

● See suggested categories like Gifts, Newest Arrivals, Best Sellers, Featured Brands, and Visit Our Manhattan Store

About Pages

● Read about Mary Arnold Toy’s vibrant and lasting history

● See an easy-to-use contact form

● Learn the shop is located on the Upper East Side

● Observes the store hours

● Find that the store offers gift-wrapping, local delivery & personal shopping

Category Findability

● Navigate to category page and notice possibility of further categorize on the side bar

● Select product and note the breadcrumbs for easy return navigation

● Click through photos and see product shots as well as photographs of the product in use, read relevant product specs, and see further suggested merchandise below in You May Also Like

● Add the item to cart

● Close the order window to easily continue shopping

Search Findability

● Search for product type and note the keyword search turned up a variety of fitting products

● Select Product

● Click through photos, skim product details, view similar products

● Add the item to cart


● Checkout and notice that it is easy to change quantities, add a note to your order, or add gift-wrapping

● Option to use Apple Pay, Paypal, Google Pay or Checkout as Guest

● Fill out contact information, select a shipping method, pay by card

● Note that it is possible to add a promo or discount code

● Complete checkout and receive confirmation number

Before & After

By addressing the serious heuristic violations, I was able to resolve the user concerns and frustrations. The new website will have a measurable return on investment; users find the new website to be accessible, trustworthy, reliable, and reflective of the businesses long-standing history.


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